Andy Gentry, owner and personal trainer of NRW Personal Training based out of Red Lodge Montana. His passion for fitness started in my early 20's when I became a personal trainer and received my certifications through NASM and NFPT. I specialize in strength, mobility, injury prevention, as well as weight loss/weight gain and so much more! Having worked with all age brackets as well as many types of injuries for the past 20 plus years, I would love to create a program and help you achieve your fitness and/or nutrition goals.
When you register, receive 14 Days of Free Training. We know it’s a big commitment to register for an event that takes training and dedication. While time on the bike is #1, nutrition and bodywork are not to be ignored. That’s where Andy comes in. Andy is a cyclist, father of a competitive enduro athlete and a competitive athlete. This is NOT an automated online program, Andy designs each workout based on home gym or a full access gym. AND nutrition is also a part of this program. Want to be reminded to do a stretching routine that’s just for cyclists? He can do that too.
In order to receive the 2 week, free training option and 25% off the monthly training fee, you must register by March 31, 2024.
Contact Andy to get signed up!